Well, I didn’t sign up for this!

Chopping onions I glanced out of the kitchen window and was surprised at how dark it was, in reality it was 5.30pm but my body clock was chiming midnight! I remember landing in Australia almost three years ago.  It was the back-end of winter and I assumed the nights would be drawing out ready to […]

Reaching your destination…

…is a time for celebration! I was just paying a visit to the little girls room when the phone rang. “MUM! It’s your lawyer!!” shouted my youngest son. “Crikey” I thought, I had better get my finger out as I subconsciously totalled up how many dollars this slight delay in reaching the phone might cost […]

Hey expat mums!….who remembers scenes like these?

Goodtimes or Badtimes? For me defo Goodtimes! I love nothing more than a good clear out. I can’t believe this was almost three years ago and I am so in need of a good clear out again, where does all this junk come from? I am sat here on the computer surrounded by ‘stuff’. Stuff […]

Decisions Decisions

As migrant mums we’ve all had our fair share of decisions to make and the influences surrounding those decisions come from many people, places and events. Personally my family’s decision came quite easy, we watched a TV programme on the subject of emigrating to Australia and the decision was made. Today we have a guest […]