Well, I didn’t sign up for this!

Chopping onions I glanced out of the kitchen window and was surprised at how dark it was, in reality it was 5.30pm but my body clock was chiming midnight! I remember landing in Australia almost three years ago.  It was the back-end of winter and I assumed the nights would be drawing out ready to […]

Maybe a little over cautious?

 I am a  fair-skinned European that is prone to burning, before returning to a whiter shade of pale, after a few minutes in the sun! When we moved to Australia in 2010 the sun was my biggest fear. The fierce sun shines for over 70% of the year in Queensland and for my own protection […]

nothing to fear except fear itself…..

You know, when you up sticks and move to a new country everything is new. Everything is different. Your senses are heightened – things seem bigger, faster and more in your face than before. The language that people are speaking may be the same but for a few weeks you feel like you’ve landed on […]