Snow, storms and the power of mother nature!!

While the folks in the UK shiver under another thick blanket of snow (isn’t it spring there now?!?) here in SE Qld last night we witnessed the most amazing lightning storm I have ever in my 36 and a bit years seen! I managed to capture some cracking (excuse the pun!) images (on my iPhone!) […]

I’m sorry Frau Barrie, but she has a dog…

This week we have a guest post from Dena Barrie, a mummigrant who started out in Denver, Colorado and is currently living in Germany with her husband and two boys. You can find out more about her at itsabouttakingthejourney Enjoy! I’m sorry Frau Barrie, but she has a dog… I’m laughing because a friend of […]

It was nice, different, but nice …..

Well then, that’s Christmas day done. Tick. It was nice, different, but nice. This is our second Christmas in Australia and already I feel that some new traditions are starting to be formed. I think we’ve probably totally baffled the kids as to what Santa actually brings to children though.When I was a kid we […]

what am I looking forward to this holiday season….

the Christmas blitz of course!! A favourite Christmas tradition in our house is the ‘Christmas blitz!’ This is carried out as close to Christmas Eve as possible on a day when we are all at home together. It is carried out with military precision to the tune of Johnny Mathis’ We Need a Little Christmas! […]

all i want for christmas is…..

…..not my two front teeth! But apart from the usual good health, wealth and happiness I thought you might like to see a few suggestions! I’m hoping that my boys may decide that they would actually like to read one of mum’s blogs….for a change! So bear with me as I wallow in a bit […]

paper blankets…..

…..and paper knickers can only mean one thing! A stay in hospital!! I have just experienced the hospital system in my new homeland for the very first time! Some of my pre emigration fears had been, ‘what will happen if I become ill in our new home country?’ and ‘what if I have to go into hospital?’ My fears […]

a momentous occasion…..

occurred today…..our big son left school for the second time! At 18 years of age he has just graduated from his Australian high school. Just over two and a half years ago he completed his education at an English high school. He was 16 years old and at a turbulent time of life when we […]

to buy or not to buy…..

…..that is the question! Now please tell me the answer!! As home owners in our native England we assumed we would emigrate to Australia and buy our own house again. Well two years down the line we still haven’t bought one. 2 years ❤ We have been having too much fun exploring our new country […]